
Name Professor Bashima Islam
Email [email protected]
Office Hours On Demand (email if needed)

Teaching Assistant:

Name Sheikh Asif Imran Shouborno
Email [email protected]
Office Hours Tuesdays 2-4PM
Location Physical: AK311, Zoom:
Name Mohammad Nur Hossain Khan
Email [email protected]
Office Hours Monday 2-4pm
Location AK 311

Student Tutor:

Name Robbie Oleynick
Email [email protected]
Office Hours Monday 1-2pm, AK 108
Thursday 1-2pm, AK 108
Coding Workshops Monday, Thursday, Friday 9-10am, AK 013

Lecture Schedule:

<aside> <img src="/icons/calendar-month_gray.svg" alt="/icons/calendar-month_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Lectures: MTWRF 4:00 PM – 4:50 PM, Room AK233


<aside> <img src="/icons/warning_red.svg" alt="/icons/warning_red.svg" width="40px" /> If school is canceled due to a "significant weather event" (e.g., "snow day", included cases where the campus is closed as well as days where travel is discouraged… or just plain silly)) or class is canceled due to an unforeseen event; I expect to use zoom online classes (see the Lecture Notes section of this web page) to fill-in for any missed lecture. If an exam is canceled, expect it to be rescheduled for the next class meeting.



<aside> <img src="/icons/globe_blue.svg" alt="/icons/globe_blue.svg" width="40px" />


All course materials, problem sets, solutions, announcements, and other useful tidbits will be available via the ECE2312 CANVAS website. The official site of the course will not have the problem sets and their solutions.

Online Lectures – In this course, all lectures will be recorded and posted online via the ECE2312 CANVAS website. It is expected that all students review and study these online lectures such that they are prepared for an interactive in-class discussion. Furthermore, quizes will cover the material from these online lectures and classes.

Course Textbook:

<aside> ℹ️ We will Practice by coding what we have learned in the Theory of Discrete-Time Signal and System Analysis using MATLAB or PYTHON. Feel free to choose either language based on your comfort level.

While Python is open-source, MATLAB only comes in paid format. Fortunately, MatLab is supported by WPI and can be accessed through the WPI software resources.


Programming Resources

Recommended Background: